Sunday, November 19, 2006

Fighting the Culture of Death

This morning I woke up to find the following headline in our local paper:

'Plan B' contraception now available over the counter

You can read the article by

As disheartening as this news was, there is a glimmer of hope.

Yesterday, my husband and I were two in a roomful Conservatives living on this island who had the privilege of attending a pro-life seminar. It was given by the
Susan B. Anthony List and the Leadership Institute.

Both are conservative organizations who work to train pro-life activists and candidates and teaching how to get these candidates elected, through a grassroots effort.

It was a very interesting day filled with lots of information but very worthwhile to hear.

And, you couldn't beat the location. The famous Ilikai Hotel in Waikiki. For fans of Hawaii 5-0, it is the building where you see Steve McGarrett standing on the roof in the opening credits.

We were taught how to plan a campaign, to know our opposition, polling and survey research and developing our message, building coalitions, knowing our voters, fundraising, etc.

The speakers were very experienced in this area. They worked on successful campaigns so they brought a wealth of information to share with our group.

It was so great to see the Catholic homeschoolers representing homeschoolers at this seminar. Homeschoolers are recoginzed as an important group to approach for a coalition in the Pro-life cause. Homeschoolers are taken very seriously as an ally in the conservative causes.

I only wish that more of our conservative politicians and unsuccessful candidates had attended. They would have learn an invaluable lesson and maybe would win the next time around.

If you have the opportunity to attend one of these workshops/seminars, do it! Don't hestitate, just do it!

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