Friday, November 03, 2006

Feast Day - San Martin de Porres

Picture of our family statue given to us by our son's late Godmother and our good friend.

As you may or may not know, being of Peruvian descent, I am partial to the Peruvian saints. Both St. Martin and Sta. Rosa were Dominicans and very much in love with God. I am currently reading a book translated from the French. It is entitled the Life of St. Martin de Porres: Patron Saint of Interracial Justice by Stanislas Fumet. The following excerpt is from the book:

..."He had an infinite respect for priests, who touched God with their blessed hands, and it was this veneration which caused him every morning to throw himself on his knees in front of the first priest he met and kiss his hands. Or, again, prostrating himself along the way that the religious came, he felt no repugnance in gently asking them to trample him underfoot like a worm, for he was nothing but an abject and despicable being..."

This is just one little example of how humble this simple man born illegitimately to a Black Panamanian woman and a Spaniard officer, felt about himself. When I read and learn more about his humility, his love of neighbor, his love of God, it makes me so ashamed of myself for the little comforts that I like, the complaints I make when things do go my way or go well. But I'm glad because he inspires me to strive for sainthood.


  1. Its funny I was writing about him yesterday because he is one of my favorite saints, but I didn't realize it was his feast day.

  2. I love your pictures, Esther. St. Martin, pray for us all. I feel so spoiled when I read about the saints. May it bring me to true conversion. (Thanks for your prayers.)

  3. Anonymous4:46 AM

    :-) One of the patron saints of my parish!

    Every blessing
    Maria in the UK

  4. Sunny:
    Really, what a God-incidence ;-)

    Mahalo nui loa!

    That is so nice to know.
