Sunday, October 08, 2006

Today's Homily

We had a visiting priest celebrate Mass today. As you know, the readings focused on the sacrament and sacredness of marriage.

There is no way I can adequately present you with Father B's delivery...keeping in mind he is full of joy and very dynamic. However, he did mentioned quite clearly why these readings prove that allowing priests to marry is not the answer to the priest shortage.

A higher percentage of marriages that end up in divorce are a big problem in today's world. Father asked, can you image what the church would do with half of their priests divorced? "You fix the institute of marriage and then we will talk about permitting our priests to be married!"...and he didn't see that happening any time soon.

Father made it clear that marriage is a sacrament and is forever.

BTW, you'll be happy to know ther lowest rate of divorce, according to Fr. B, occurs in the Catholic Church.

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