Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Mass

"It would be easier for the world to exist without the sun than without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass."
...Saint Padre Pio
Yesterday I woke up early to attend Mass in honor of Our Blessed Mother as well as the Saints Simon and Jude. However, there was no priest present. Our deacon led the Communion Service. It was a nice service but that is all it was...a service. No Mass! Thank God we could receive Holy Communion.

Throughout the entire time, all I kept imagining was a world without the sacrifice of the Mass. It was scary. Then I came to my senses and knew God would never permit that to happen. But it is up to us as my friend Linda reminded me today, to pray everyday for our priests.

On the other hand, the other day, I missed morning Mass. I called up my friend Fr. D. and asked him if I could go over for confession. As usual, Father said "Sure, come on over". After Confession, I asked Father, who is a very elderly and infirmed priest, if he had celebrated the Mass yet. He said no. But he celebrated it for three of us who were present there. God is so good.

God bless our priests.


  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    BTDT with the communtion services. I was always just grateful to even be able to recieve Jesus. With the shortage of priests, we pray for vocations daily. We especially pray for those already ordained, that they are not too overwhelmed burning the candle at both ends.

  2. Tracy, what does BTDT mean?

  3. We had this happen during a week day mass a couple months ago. It wasn't so much for us though, that we were short a priest, just that all our priests were out for some reason and there was nobody left to do mass. So the deacon did a service, I would assume like the one you had with communion, but my mom didn't know if everything was ok or not so she just left at the end.

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Been There Done That

  5. Sunny, I heard about that happening on the Mainland but not so much here in Hawaii.

    Tracy, :-) OH!!!!!!! I would not have guessed that. Thank you.

  6. I didn't know what BTDT meant either Esther :-O

  7. ha ha Deb. Then I'm in good company :-)
