Monday, October 16, 2006

In Thanksgiving

Yesterday we had an earthquake hit the islands of Hawaii. It is by no small miracle that no one was reported killed or seriously injured as a result of the earthquake.

I think the fact that we were safe from any catastrophic loss is due to God's protection, and to the protection of His Holy Mother and that of our our angels and saints. It is no by coincidence that a place that has so many devout and prayerful people, and that was consecrated to God's Divine Mercy, was spared.

Like my dear mom reminded me, we have to remember to thank Blessed Father Damien, Blessed Marianne Cope, our guardian angels, God's Divine Mercy and our Blessed Mother for the protection they offered us yesterday.


Father of mercy,
You always answer Your people in their sufferings.
We thank You for Your kindness
and ask You to free us from all evil,
that we may serve You in happiness all our days. Amen.


We Give You thanks,
O Christ, our God;
in Your goodness
You have given us Your Body in this Sacrament
to enable us to live holy lives.
Through Your grace
keep us pure and without stain.
Remain in us to protect us.
Direct our steps in the way
of Your holy and benevolent will.

Strengthen our souls
against the seduction of the devil
so that we may heed only Your voice and follow You alone,
O ommipotent and truthful Shepherd,
and attain the place prepared for us
in the kindgom of heaven:
O our God and Lord,
Redeemer Jesus Chrsit,
who are blessed
with the Father and the spirt
now and forever. Amen.

Prayers are from The New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book


  1. Joining you in thanksgiving that you are OK! And praying for those who suffered any losses due to the earthquake.

  2. Mahalo Barb and MB!

  3. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I agree with you Esther especially when you said that we were spared because of prayers and because Hawaii was consecrated to The Divine Mercy. This was imparted to my heart by Our Lord when I received Him during Holy Communion yesterday. Then, I remembered what Fr. Calloway said during last month's Divine Mercy conference about praying for Hawaii and the threat of tsunami... that the consecration done by Bishop Silva will keep Hawaii "afloat". I truly believe that... praise God for His Mercy... Thanks for sharing this and for the thanksgiving prayers.

    God bless, Rose B.

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    You speak the truth. It is also no coincidence that yesterday, October 15, was the feastday of Santa Teresa de Jesu. My sincere gratitude to her for her protection. +Alexandrina

  5. Rose, I had forgotten about that! Wow!
    God bless,

  6. Mahalo for your comment Alexandrina.
    God bless,
