Monday, October 02, 2006

A Guardian Angel Story

Before the Feast Day dedicated to our Guardian Angels is over, I'd like to share a story Fr. Dave shared with us during the Homily today.

He told us there was once a man who would always open the door and let his guardian angel go first. He would open the door and step aside. That is until the day of his ordination to the priesthood. He stepped aside to let his guardian angel go first. But he heard a voice tell him. "No, today, you go first".


  1. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Nice story, is it true?

  2. Wow, what a beautiful story. St. Josemaria Escriva had super devotion to his guardian angel and encouraged others to do so also. He spoke and wrote often regarding it. I'll have to send this story to a seminarian friend who will be ordained to the priesthood this next year.


  3. Tito, I don't know. I would hope it was true.

    Denise: I was telling one of my friends that I take my Guardian Angel for granted. I really wish I wouldn't.

  4. I've heard it, too.
    It was Saiiiinnntt....
    Crud, I can't remember.

    (It may have been St. Josemaria, though. That sounds right.)

  5. Well, if you do remember MB, please post it!
