Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Featured Artist - William

The artist is a former Hawaii Catholic homeschooler William. My friend emailed me these photos recently and I told her I'd to share them with others by posting them on my blog.

As you can see by the photo, William creates his masterpieces in wire. He seems to have captured the graceful movement of the horse, hasn't he?


  1. How talented. That is really nicely done.
    Thanks for sharing!


  2. That's pretty cool! I am always amazed at anything "sculptural".

  3. Thanks Denise and Tracy. My friend and her son William will enjoy reading your comments.

  4. This is fantastic, what a gift William has been given. Thanks be to God that he uses his talent to create such inspirational works of art that really resonate with the one viewing it.

    Thanks for sharing this with us Esther :-)

  5. Mahalo for your kind comments. William is one of very talented children. His sister is an avid "horsewoman" and his brother is a very talented piano player and all three of them are very nice kids.
