Sunday, October 22, 2006

Baseball or Priesthood

Father Stephanos of Me Monk, Me Meander (Don't you love that blog name?) posted an interesting story of a baseball player with a calling.

This story caught my eye for a few reasons:

1. Thanks to our Dad, my family has been diehard Mets fans since the 1970's. At the time the Mets were thinking of bringing Father Ed Cipot to play for the majors, my family and I were going to Shea Stadium on a regular basis. It was during this period of time that the Mets had the incredible pitching team of Tom Seaver, Jerry Koosman and my own personal favorite (and yes, I had a little crush on him) Jon Matlack. We actually met Jon Matlack and he autographed a baseball and a Mets photo album, but I digress...

2. Ed Cipot is a Jersey boy.

3. Ed Cipot became a priest.

As a side note, apparently, the Mets and Catholicism are no strangers. Our family friend, 97 year old priest Father Duffy, a native of Brooklyn and long-time Brooklyn Dodgers fan, was friends with Gil Hodges, (who was the manager of the Mets in the 70's). If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Hodges was a convert to Catholicism and Father Duffy invited him to his first Mass as a priest. It snowed heavily that day but Gil Hodges made it to the ordination. Father Duffy told me that Gil Hodges was quite the gentleman and a very nice guy.

So, if you'd like to read a very interesting story of a former "Boy of Summer" CLICK HERE

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