Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ten Commandments of Blogging

Actually, there are a slew of different 10 Commandments but I happen to like this one.

HT to
ThinkHammer If you click here, each one of the commandments will be explained.

1) Thou Shalt Speak in Thine Own Voice.

2) Thou Shalt Edit For Spelling, Grammar, and Clarity.

3) Thou Shalt Respect Your Reader.

4) Thou Shalt Not Steal.

5) Thou Shalt Be Faithful.

6) Thou Shalt Make The Choices Clear.

7) Thou Shalt Be Truthful.

8) Thou Shalt Be Consistent.

9) Thou Shalt Not Jargon

10) Thou Shalt Have Fun