Sunday, September 24, 2006

Fr. Solanus Casey

Picture courtesy of Catholic Herald

Very holy Capuchin Friar living in our modern times. For more info please visit the
The Father Solanus Casey Guild

Some of my favorite quotes from Fr. Solanus can be found at the following:
Words and Wisdom of Father Solanus

APPRECIATION: To know is to appreciate. God Himself can be appreciated and loved, only inasmuch as He is know

ATHEISM: Atheism is the very climax of intellectual stupidity, or moral insanity, or diabolically devilish perversity. The height of insanity is not to believe in God, for only a fool says in his heart that there is no God when the heavens and the earth proclaim His glory. Atheism robs man of supernatural hope - the very soul of happiness.

BITTERNESS: We are never justified in being "bitter" toward anyone except ourselves. In very deed, if we were only one tenth as appreciative as we have every reason to be, our gratitude for what God has done for us, directly and through His creatures, most especially through our immediate superiors, would be such that we would be perfectly content with what we are and what we have.

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