Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Feast Day of Our Lady of the Angels of Portiuncula

Feast Day: August 2nd

When I was in my teens, we belonged to a parish run by Franciscan Capuchin Friars. It was a tradition to celebrate this feast day by attending Mass at our parish church. We would also gain plenary indulgences for that day, for attending Mass at a Franciscan church, when accompanied by the other requirements such as praying for the intentions of our Holy Father and going to confession as soon as possible.

New Advent

"A town and parish situated about three-quarters of a mile from Assisi. The town, numbering about 2000 inhabitants and officially known as Santa Maria degli Angeli, has grown up around the church (basilica) of Our Lady of the Angels and the adjoining Franciscan monastery. It was here that on 24 Feb., 1208, St. Francis of Assisi recognized his vocation..."

To learn more about this feast day and the indulgences requirement, click above.

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