Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Eucharistic Quote by St. John Bosco

"Do you want the Lord to give you many graces? Visit Him often. Do you want Him to give you few graces? Visit Him rarely. Do you want the devil to attack you? Visit Jesus rarely in the Blessed Sacrament. Do you want him to flee from you? Visit Jesus often. Do you want to conquer the devil? Take refuge often at the feet of Jesus. Do you want to be conquered by the devil? Forget about visiting Jesus. My dear ones, the visit to the Blessed Sacrament is an extremely necessary way to conquer the devil. Therefore, go often to visit Jesus and the devil will not come out victorious against you."

- St. John Bosco


  1. This is my dilemma...keep spam guard on and my friends' comments are going to the trash and I don't see them.
    Keep the spam guard off and I get spam...at least I think this is spam.

  2. This is a wonderful post.

  3. Excellent post Esther. The new parish I attend has perpetual adoration, and they highly encourage daily reception of the Eucharist. Your quote is another nudge from God telling me to come visit.

  4. Hey, I really, really like that quote! I have been Adoring the Lord for several months now. I have had dramatic results in the area of overcoming sinful compulsions. I actually enjoy living a celibate life now. There is great freedom and peace now instead of desperate longing and flareups of sin. I am in a state of cheerful surprise over this newfound freedom. I really have a hard time putting it into words.
    I am very grateful for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

    -I found you through http://anothercatholicmom.blogspot.com/

  5. A funny story about this. Our goal this year has been to attend Mass daily. We have been doing pretty good (no Saturdays as there aren't any in the area)and have missed a couple but anyway...I have noticed a big difference in all of us when we go vs. when we miss. We were going to miss today, as we had to take dh to airport over an hour away and getting back just in the nick of time. I was feeling a bit guilty, and trying to decide if I should rush home to change and run downtown walking into Mass just as it began. Well, once I started feeling a bit guilty (Jesus whispering a call)there was a man on the side of the street, all by himself, that I have NEVER seen before holding a sign that said, "Jesus Saves!" (Jesus calling much louder!) Needless to say, we made it to Mass.

    After reading this quote and in just the short time of attending daily Mass, I think that Jesus must be delighted to have us: not because we are holier than anyone else (because trust me on this we are NOT)but because we are taking the time out of our day to go visit Jesus. To just BE with Him and love Him. He enjoys that we are there, especially the boys because He made sure to "call" to see if we were going to be there.

    God Bless,

  6. Esther, I can't tell if that is spam or not.
    Actually, I tend to think it's a mispost by rhfootball. For one thing you have word verification which stops a bot from spamming your comments. Secondly the link goes to an actual blog. I think that indicates that this guy manually typed in a url to his blog when he placed the comment.

    Anyways, I came here to tell you that I couldn't hold back any longer and I copied that beautiful Madonna pic and the text from St. John Bosco about Adoration to my blog.

    I put it here:

    Thanks for the beautiful post.

  7. Hey Rosemary, Dean, Tim and Tracy, I'm very happy this quote touched you. Thanks for commenting and Tracy, thanks for sharing that wonderful story!
    Thanks Tim, maybe it wasn't spam after all.
    God bless you guys!
