Monday, July 17, 2006

Understanding Medjugorje

Book cover courtesy of Theotokos

In a previous post
CLICK HERE TO READ, I shared with you Francis Phillips' review of the Donal Foley book Understanding Medjugorje

When I received the book, which Mr. Foley helped me obtain in the United States and a big mahalo to him for that, I was determined to read the book with an open mind.

Prior to learning of this particular book, there were times I believed in the apparitions I say that because, although I have never felt any draw to the Gospa's appearances there, I personally knew many people, including a priest who is very orthodox when it comes to church teachings, and friends who were brought back to the fold because of Medjugorje. All of these people "reverted" back to the Catholic faith because of Medjugorje. Even my own dear mom was a devotee of these apparitions and every since the 80's, she was determined to bring one of my brothers there to help his conversion.

So you see, I had no reason to doubt the apparitions. Yet I didn't believe wholeheartedly.

Donal Foley's book is written in a matter of fact way. He was not a harsh critic nor did he condemn the apparitions. He laid out the facts for the reader step-by-step. The followers and supporters have certain arguments as to why they believe these apparitions to be genuine. Mr. Foley counters each one of these arguments with logical explanations and questions.

Another way of presenting the argument against these apparitions was by comparing Mary's messages and the behavior of these visionaries to a true and church approved apparition such as that of Fatima and the seers there, the little shepherd children.

The book Understanding Medjugorge is highly recommended reading.
For another commentary of the Medjugorje apparitions, please see Mary Ann Kreitzer's article which can be FOUND HERE


  1. We have freinds that have been to Medjugorie: some that have wanted to go for a very long time and were finally able and just glowed about the experience.

    One guy we met a couple of years ago says that Mary and his pilgrimage to this place with his mom has led him to the priesthood. He is currently in seminary, and it is really a story! He got out of the AF for this...

    Anyway, while I haven't been there myself, ppl who have can't talk enough about their experience!

    God Bless,
    sorry for spelling, in a hurry!

  2. Its an interesting thing. I have decided to defer to the Vatican on this issue and wait for their decision on whether or not it is worthy of belief or not, although I have always felt maybe it wasn't... but I'm not sure... thats why I'm waiting.

  3. Tracy:
    I know me too. That is why I was so confused about it at first. Many of my friends are going to be very disappointed but I thought it was something that had to be considered.

    Sunny: I don't know why the Holy See has delayed in issuing a formal statement on these apparitions but it may be because of the good fruits that are so apparent.
