Friday, July 07, 2006

Husbands and Wives

Source: The Word Among Us June 2006 Issue

Big mahalo nui loa to Sts. Peter and Paul Parish for providing this wonderful magazine.

Excerpts from articles from husband and wife Randall and Theresa Cirner.

Husbands, Love Your Wives! - 5 Actions That Say I Love You

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her" (Ephesians 5:25).

How Do I Love You?

1. By Praying. Prayer is the most important thing a husband can do for his wife.

2. By Talking. Communication is very important between a husband and a wife. However, the timing of the talk is also important.

3. By Meeting Needs. Help your wife's needs. The important needs are as follows:

a. Time for God;
b. Time with other women;
c. Time out or in other words, a break

4. By Encouraging. Say something sincere to will make her feel good about herself.

5. By Going Out Together. The occasional date is very important to a happy marriage.

How to Really Love Your Husband?

Making it Real. Consider your husbands likes and preferences in little things as well as big.

Questions for Reflection:

1. Do I pray for my husband?

2. Do I show him respect?

3. Do I cook for my husband or for myself?

4. Do I do the things my husband asks me to do?

5. Does our time out together ever reflect my husband's interests?

6. Do I serve my husband cheerfully when he is sick?

7. Do I impose my standards of 'proper' behavior on my husband?

8. Do I resent my husband's time with his friends?

9. Is your home a place that both of you find physically pleasing?

As yourself each day? How is the lord calling me to show my love to my husband today?

"Outdo one another in showing honor and mutual affection' (Romans 12:10).

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