Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Hidden Power of Kindness

by Rev. Lawrence Lovasik

When I was home a couple of years ago, I borrowed one of my sister Rosa's books. What made me pick up the book was that it was written by someone I was familiar with. Father Lawrence Lovasik was known to me for writing the most delightful Catholic picture books for children.

Well the following is an excerpt from Fr. Lovasik's book on kindness.

Kindness is one of God's best gifts to the world.

It drives gloom and darkness from souls.

It puts hope into fainting hearts.

It sweetens sorrow.

It lessens pain.

It discovers unsuspected beauties of human character.

It calls forth a response from all that is best in souls.

It purifies, glorifies, ennobles all that it touches.

It opens the flood-gates of children's laughter.

It gathers the tears of repentant love.

It lightens the burden of weariness.

It stops the torrent of angry passion.

It takes the sting from failure.

It enkindles courageous ambition.

It lifts the unfortunate.

It leads back the wayward.

It walks in the steps of Our Saviour.

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