Monday, April 17, 2006

Look at the Crucifix

I have a elderly priest...Fr. Edwin Duffy. He always says that if you want to learn to be patient...Look at the Crucifix. Well, this following prayer reminded me of him.

If you would like to know God ... Look at the crucifix.
If you would like to love God ... Look at the crucifix.
If you want to serve God ... Look at the crucifix.
f you wonder what you are worth ... Look at the crucifix.
If you wonder how much God loves you ... Look at the crucifix.I
f you want to know the need for self-denial and sacrifice ... Look at the crucifix.
If you wonder how much you should forgive others ... Look at the crucifix.
If you wonder how much you should do for others ... Look at the crucifix.
If you wonder how much your faith demands ... of you in humility, poverty, charity in every virtue ... Look at the crucifix.
If you want to know what unselfishness and generosity are ... Look at the crucifix.
If you wonder how far your own unselfishness should go to bring others to Christ ... Look at the crucifix.
If you wish to live well ... Look at the crucifix.
If you wish to die well ... Look at the crucifix.
When was the last time you really thought about how much suffering Jesus went through for you?
Next time you think your pain and suffering is too much to bear ...Look at the
crucifix and say: JESUS UNDERSTANDS!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Beautiful Prayer ...... Thank you!
