Saturday, July 11, 2020

Book Review - Conquering Coronavirus by Teresa Tomeo. Sophia Institute Press. 2020

On the Feast Day of St. Joseph this year, Teresa Tomeo lost her mother to the current coronavirus pandemic.  Through the pain of her loss and the complications of social distancing she found strength in her faith.

In this lovely book, Teresa has carefully put together a well-researched summary of how this pandemic has wreaked havoc on the world in general and on each family whose lives have been touched by sickness and death.  She speaks from her experience and from her heart.

The reader will find in this well-organized book practical advice and Biblical inspiration on how to remain faithful and optimistic in the face of this pandemic.

More importantly this book is about encouragement during this difficult time of the current crisis.  It is also a book of spiritual and material resources to help the reader with practical applications of their faith.

Review by Rosa M. Sautner,
Catholic homeschooling mother of two in New Jersey

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