Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Picture source

The Holy Cross

Lord Jesus,
from the height of your throne of suffering
you reveal the depth of your love for us.
Lifted up from the world o the Cross,
you draw everyone to yourself.
The Cross is both the symbol and the act by which you raised up the world
from all its sin and weakness.
But you also ask for our cooperation.

Help us to die to self
so that we may live for you
and our fellow human beings.
Set us free from the slavery
of our passions,
our prejudices,
and our selfishness.
Enable us to endure the pains and trails of this life
and really help to change the world
in our own small way.

Keep before our minds the conviction
that in the Cross is salvation and life
as well as defense against our enemies.
Through the Cross heavenly grace is given us,
our minds are strengthened,
and we experience spiritual joy.

In the Cross is the height of virtue
and the perfection of all sanctity.
Let us take up our /Cross,
and follow you through earthly sorrow
into eternal happiness in heaven.

-New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book Catholic Book Publishing

Picture source

The Way of the Cross by St. Josemaría Escrivá

Here indeed you have a sturdy and fruitful devotion! Spend a few moments each Friday going over those fourteen points of our Lord's Passion and Death. I assure you that you will gain strength for the whole of the week.

- from The Way