Friday, September 26, 2008

Saintly Quotes - Angels and the Holy Mass

St. Gabriel
St. Gregory: "The Heavens open and multitudes of Angels come to assist at the Holy Sacrifice."

St. Augustine: "The Angels surround and help the priest when he is celebrating Mass."

St. John Chrysostom: "When Mass is being celebrated, the Sanctuary is filled with countless Angels, who adore the Divine Victim immolated on the altar."

The efficacy of the Mass is so wonderful, God's mercy and generosity are then so unlimited, that there is no moment so propitious to ask for favors as when Jesus is born on the altar. What we then ask we shall almost certainly receive, and what we do not obtain in the Mass we may scarcely hope to receive by all other prayers, penances or pilgrimages.

The Angels know this full well and come in multitudes to adore God and make their petitions at this hour of mercy.

We read in the revelations of St. Bridget: "One day when I was assisting at the Holy Sacrifice, I saw an immense number of Holy Angels descend and gather around the altar, contemplating the priest. They sang heavenly canticles that ravished my heart; Heaven itself seemed to be contemplating the great Sacrifice. And yet we poor, blind and miserable creatures assist at the Mass with so little love, relish and respect!

"Oh, if God would open our eyes, what wonders should we not see!"

When Blessed Henry Suso, the holy Dominican, was saying Mass, Angels in visible form gathered around the altar, and some came near to him in raptures of love.

This is what takes place at every Mass, though we do not see it.

Do Catholics ever think of this amazing truth? At Mass they are praying in the midst of thou- sands of God's Angels.

Shared by Sue


  1. The more often we read about it, hear it, and contemplate the truth of it, the better, Esther. It really is one of those awesome truths, isn't it? Every time we are at Mass there are angels present, for it is the angels who bring the sacrifice to God's holy altar in heaven. Great post.

  2. And we need to remember that Veritas. Sometimes I just close my eyes and try to imagine the awesomeness of that moment.
