Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Eucharistic Procession - St. Stephen's

My mom, sister and I attended a Eucharistic Procession in Paterson, NJ. Fr. Darius K. the pastor began the Procession with Adoration and prayer inside St. Stephen. The procession itself stopped at four different altars and at each stop the Gospel was read and there was benediction by the Eucharistic Body of our Lord. It was a wonderful experience to be part of this tri-lingual celebration honoring the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior. We sang and prayed in English, Spanish and in Polish yet as the deacon pointed out, we were one family, one body in Christ.

This celebration ended with Benediction and the singing of Pescador de Hombres again in the three languages. It was a very moving experience.

The following are a few photos I took.




  1. Are you in NJ right now? If so, we should plan to get together - you, SFO Mom, Christine from Simple and Ordinary.

  2. How wonderful. We have nothing like that here which is why I love those old fashioned parishes up north. My parents live on the Jersey Shore near philly. I like their parish much better as well.

  3. Wow, you are not that far from us if you are in Paterson! Small world! Keep smiling and God bless! Padre Steve

  4. Ellen, yes I am. I would like that very much but it may be a little difficult because of transportation and my parents wanting to spend every moment with us. Will have to see where and when.

    Alexandra: I know what you mean about the old parishes. They are filled with history. During morning Mass, St. Stephen's holds it in the old Convent Chapel. It has such an old world feel to it.

    Padre Steve: I guess so :-)

  5. Esther,
    That is beautiful!!!

  6. Easter, you would have loved it! How was the one in Honolulu?
