Monday, May 21, 2007

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Through Reflection and Prayer

The following is from my friend Sue via email:
Pentecost is next Sunday, May 27th. Marianne, who is leading the Patron Saint of the Year campaign, is also offering to help us discern the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit that are ours for reflection and prayer. Her email is at the end of this message if you'd like her to pick some from her "Fruits and Gifts" bowl for you.

To learn more about the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit, click here: THE VATICAN
Sue <*}}}>< <*}}}><

This is the introduction to the fruit and gift of the Holy Spirit - I'm thinking that this may help to explain better ... if not, let me know and I will try to help. The best thing that I can suggest is to "Google" fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit and get to know more what yours would be ... then pray and listen ... perhaps you are truly blessed in these areas and need to share them, maybe you need work in these areas, maybe who knows? Only you and the Holy Spirit can figure it out ... some people feel instant connections, such as you and St. Luke, others have to wait for a connection ...

I just received an email from someone whose Saint interceded for them just last week and her saint was picked before Christmas! Let me know what you think. God bless you abundantly!

Many people have enjoyed having a patron saint "pick" them for the year ... There have been many testimonies on all the connections and intercessions that have occurred. How wonderful it is to know that we are not walking alone!

In the same sense, we are doing the same thing with Pentecost and the Holy Spirit "picking" a fruit and gift just for us to reflect on and pray about for the year.


As we approach Pentecost, let's reflect on what happened to the Apostles on that day and what happened to us when we were confirmed.

The Holy Spirit is first introduced to a Catholic the day that they are baptized, because the entire Holy Trinity — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — are invoked at the ceremony. During Confirmation, God the Holy Spirit comes upon the person, accompanied by God the Father and God the Son, just as he did at Pentecost. The Feast of Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit from heaven to earth upon the 12 apostles and the Virgin Mary, occurring 50 days after Easter and 10 days after Jesus' Ascension (Acts 2:1–4).

This sacrament is called Confirmation, because the faith given in Baptism is now confirmed and made strong. Sometimes, those who benefit from Confirmation are referred to as "soldiers of Christ". This isn't a military designation but a spiritual duty to fight the war between good and evil, light and darkness — a war between the human race and all the powers of hell.

Confirmation means accepting responsibility for your faith and destiny. Childhood is a time when you're told what to do, and you react positively to reward and negatively to punishment. Adulthood, even young adulthood, means that you must do what's right on your own, not for the recognition or reward but merely because it's the right thing to do. The focus is on the Holy Spirit, who confirmed the apostles on Pentecost (Acts 2:1–4) and gave them courage to practice their faith. We, as Catholics, believe that the same Holy Spirit confirms Catholics during the Sacrament of Confirmation and gives them the same gifts and fruits.

Traditionally, the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, and chastity. These are human qualities that can be activated by the Holy Spirit. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. These gifts are supernatural graces given to the soul.

When was the last time you thought about these blessing bestowed upon you? Have some of your "fruits" rotted or dried up? Are your gifts sitting on a shelf, collecting dust?

To commemorate Pentecost, how about asking the Holy Spirit to look inside you, deep inside you and pick out one particular fruit and one particular gift that is unique to you that He wants you to pray about? He may want you to develop this gift and fruit. He may want you to share this gift and fruit. He may want you to be an example of your fruit and gift. Only you and the Holy Spirit will know. You may have an instant connection with the fruit and gift that the Spirit picks for you. Or you may wonder what in the world is He thinking? Everyone's will be different and everyone's will be unique, just for them.

I would suggest doing some research on your particular fruit and gift and then reflecting on how they play in your life. Do a lot of listening, the Holy Spirit will be doing a lot of talking! To have a fruit and gift for the year, please contact me. I have a container full of all the fruits and all of the gifts and will be happy to pick one and send it to you. Just let me know! God bless! P.S. It's still not too late to receive a patron saint for the year! All you have to do is request one! Marianne


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