Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Children's Mass

Blessed Sacrament Church
Every Wednesday, the morning Mass is moved to 8:30 a.m. instead of the usual 7:30 a.m. so that the parochial school children have an opportunity to attend Mass. This was the idea of the parish priest Fr. Patrick. From my observations and listening to his homilies, he seems to be a priest who really loves the Eucharist.

This is evident when you see the children approach the altar for Holy Communion. You will see many receive on the tongue, even the youngest of them. They will then proceed back to their pews with their little hands folded in prayer.

I remember one of Father's homilies about the time he went to Cardinal Ratzinger's installation as our pontiff. He arrived close to the time everyone had to take their seat, if they wanted a good seat. But instead of going to his seat, Father asked someone, where the Blessed Sacrament was. The young man who guided him to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel told him, he as the only one who had gone to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel FIRST.

I might as well share his story about why Father was so intend on attending the installation. Seems that when he was in Rome one time, he had difficulty finding a certain tomb or grave. He saw a priest approach and he asked him where it was. The priest led him to the place personally. When the priest bend over, a bit of red poked out of his coat. He then realized it was Cardinal Ratzinger! I don't recall all the details but I think that was the gist of it.